Wednesday, March 12, 2014

On the Air, March 11, 2014

What should we do, or can we do, about the Ukraine and Crimea? In the first half hour of the R-MA Speech and Debate Team's Radio Forum, Ben Schoonover, Jon Pedersen and Micah Peregrino discussed the foreign policy implications while coach J...ames Taafel and host Doug Pratt tried to work in "Crimea river." In the second segment the New York mayor's overt attack on successful charter schools was discussed in the general atmosphere of the school choice debate and the reaction against Common Core. In spite of suffering through the current SAT tests, our group is not impressed with the coming changes to the SAT. Hear it all on our podcast (link below) and listen to us again on Tuesday March 25 at 6 pm on good old faithful WFTR.