We're lined up for the first tournament of the year, the Early Bird at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. We're taking four Public Forum teams:
John Christoph - Peter Jin
Jackson McGraw - Tyler Atkinson
Valerie Pratt - Jonathan Pedersen
Micah Peregrino - Ben Nelson
We'll head out Friday morning (September 10) and the first round is Friday afternoon. This year I have resolved to take more pictures and put them up here where people can see them, and I've figured out how to do that from my cell phone, so we'll give it a try. They probably won't be very good pictures, but that's probably better than no pictures at all. I hope.
Last week we met our new coach, James Taafel, who was one of Mr. Gregg's star debaters and has returned to teach at R-MA. This is going to be a great year!