After a restful night and a delightful Holiday Inn hot breakfast, the team settled in for three hours of practice rounds before going off to register at Wake Forest University. 160 schools from 20 states. A big tournament with diverse competition. Dropping off the PF Squad with Coach Burt, the Czar took the speech people to North Forsythe High School. Following some fast talking, we were able to park the bus very close to the high school and unload the wheelchair and the extemp files.
With some good vocal warmups, our kids went into rounds - many for the first time. They had a great time. Said Valerie Pratt, "I just love my new partner. When he slaughtered that guy in his summary, I could've hugged him."
Ending up for take-out and the slowest KFC in the known world, the kids settled in for a much-deserved 8 hours of sleep before the second day of competition.
NoVaFL 2 Full Results Packets
16 years ago