BA Gregg, R-MA Debate Czar, has been selected as the Debate Coach-In-Residence for the National Now Debate This scholarship contest. The top-16 competitors, chosen from a pool nationwide and with an acceptance rate that was lower than Harvard's, will vie for a quarter of a million dollars worth in scholarships over the next two weeks. The competition will be based on debating the resolution of: Who is the Better President, Lincoln or Washington?
Lecturing at the Library of Congress, Mount Vernon, Gettysburg, Valley Forge, and Constitution Hall, Rev. Gregg has been tasked by the Templeton Foundation to prepare these sixteen students to compete online and televised on August 8th, with the final round being held at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia on August 19th.
Says Rev. Gregg, "To be tasked with developing the debate format, resolutions, and tournament structure for such a competition is a real joy. To be tasked with preparing 16 disparate debaters and non-debaters from across the nation to compete with credibility and poise is a real honor. And to do this all within a two-week period is a real nightmare. Yet we will prevail."
Spending the next two weeks at R-MA and on the road across the Northeast, Rev. Gregg will definitely have his work cut out for him to, not only prepare these students for the competition, but to also interview the applicants for the 2008/09 R-MA Speech and Debate Team.
You can follow the action at: http://nowdebatethis.com/