Posted by John Holsinger
Logistics Captain
On Friday, February 1, the R-MA Speech and Debate Team traveled to the Charger Classic, held at Cary Academy in Cary, NC. This tournament offered incredible preparation for Harvard and put our teams against the best Public Forum competition in the South.
The campus at Cary was amazing. During the day, Extemp Prep was held in the beautiful library that was basically in the center of the campus. Public Forum and Speech events were held in the other buildings on campus. We sent seven Public Forum teams and one Extemper, Brennan Morris.
As for the nights, while the guys had to stay at a Holiday Inn the girls got to stay at the Collin’s house thanks to their hospitality. Mrs. Collins is great cook and hostess. Also, thank you to Mr. Collins for driving the girls to Starbucks the morning of the tournament and allowing us to pick up coffee.
The tournament itself was 4 rounds of public fourm and for out one extemper 4 rounds of foreign extemp and 4 rounds of domestic extemp totaling up to a grueling 8 rounds total! We made sure that he kept up his strength though by leaving him a chewy bar and an energy drink next to the extemp boxes between every round. The awards ceremony was held in the huge auditorium. Before the ceremony began a band, that was interesting to say the least, performed a few of it’s original music for the waiting tournament participants.
Finally, they started announcing the results, for public forum junior varsity – team Xing and McAteer received honorable mention. For varsity – team Pratt and Morrow also received an honorable mention. Then finally extemp was announced, first came foreign – which Brennan received first in. Then came domestic – which Brennan received second in. Then came an unexpected award, an overall Extemp award for people who participated in both. Brennan also took this award, too.