Following a tough tournament, R-MA was able to come away with its seventh-straight season championship trophy in NoVaFL – beating five former VHSL State Champions. Though West Springfield was able to slip by us to take home the Tor Johnson Championship Trophy by only 3 points out of 128, we did take home sweepstakes. Quoting Mr. Gregg, "The Tor Johnson Championship cup is always up for grabs... we’ve missed out on it about three times over the years; though grabbing season sweepstakes. The Tor is a two-round tournament and, here, the much larger teams that the DC schools can muster against us come in handy to pad-out events. It’s good strategy and I definitely take my hat off to West Springfield."
At this tournament, we were joined by R-MA Alumni, Yuliya Orlova, Sean Dunaway, David Tuck, Patrick Mahoney, and RK McDaniel. It really is great seeing the end-result of our program... after all the rounds, after all the trips, to hear your alumni talk well of the program and its impact means more than any trophies we’ve ever won.
Though saddled with a great deal of sickness, R-MA was still able to field a good-sized team and
took home a significant number of trophies:
Coming Soon
Pictures available at http://pbase.com/fglds