Tuesday, September 27, 2011

WFTR Radio Show, Monday, September 26

And a lively show it was. Our topics were major areas of public discourse and discussion, including the death penalty, illegal immigration and... Miss Universe? Here is the link to the podcast.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/12 WFTR Radio Show Podcast

We had an excellent radio show Monday night, with a larger crowd than usual since everyone wanted to get back into it. The resolution, on the value of commercial vs. government-sponsored space flight, got a lot of great discussion. We had to cut it a little short due to a broadcast from a football game. Here is the link to the podcast:



Friday, September 9, 2011

We're back!

The new year has begun and the team is hard at work. Our first WFTR broadcast will be next Monday, September 12th, at 6 pm. If you can't pick us up live on WFTR AM, we will put a link to the podcast of the show here as soon as it's up. Our resolution is about public vs. private funding of the space program, but we'll probably work in some current news and stories from our summers.